5th Petts Wood Scout Group are lucky to have an active fundraising committee that supports the group by organising a number of events throughout the year. The committee is staffed by parent volunteers and raises much-needed funds to keep the subscriptions paid by parents and carers as low as possible, so please offer to help if you can.
The money raised goes towards activities, new camping equipment, and the maintenance and running costs of the group’s two minibuses.
Ways in which you can help
- Support the events being run by the fundraising committee, either through donations or offers of help on the day
- Gift-aid your membership fee. The group can claim back up to 20% of the membership fee from HMRC, but only if a tax-payer in the household pays the membership fee AND completes the online gift-aid form
- Shop online. The group raises money through Give-as-you-live, an online fundraising platform which gives the group a percentage of the cost of a purchase made through over 4000 online retailers
- Match funding through your employer. Many companies run match funding/community cashback schemes where employees are actively encouraged to become involved in community projects, by offering to match or contribute to funds that are raised.
If you are able to help or have suggestions or queries then please contact the fundraising committee at fundraising@5thpettswood.org.uk